Your account balance is the total amount of money that is currently in your account, including any pending transactions.


Your available balance is the total amount of money in your account that is accessible for purchases and withdrawals, as it includes the subtraction of pending transactions and holds from your account balance. However, the available balance does not include checks which have not been cashed or any deposits which have yet to post.


Overdraft fees are determined using your available balance. 


Enroll in overdraft protection to safeguard against any overdraft fees, and check your available balances on the go with online and mobile banking.


Haven’t signed up for NetBranch Online Banking yet?


With NetBranch Online Banking, you can view your account history, make online transfers, access Bill Pay & e-Statements...and more!


Go to the NetBranch Account Login section on our home page and click on New Users to enroll today!


To learn more about the convenience of banking online, please refer to our NetBranch Online Banking page and watch the video demo!